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The Full Story

The Tungrians

Formed in 2022, we are a living history group portraying soldiers of the Auxilia of the second century in the Roman province of Britannia and their families. The Auxilia were non-citizen soldiers and the most common soldiers around the province. It was they who manned Hadrian's Wall and most of the forts around the country. 

As a group we attend events around the country and can do talks in schools etc.

Wings and Wheels (16).jpg
Chester-le-Street Steam Fair (13).jpg


To educate and inform about this lesser known aspect of our history


To portray, in the most accurate fashion, based on the most recent research the arms and armour used by the soldiers and the lives of their families.

Armed Forces Weekend (14).jpg

Welcome to the home page of The Tungrians, a living history group portraying Roman soldiers and civilians of the second century in Britannia

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